Our thanks
We all build our projects on the backs of many who go unmentioned, we'll try to mention as many as we can here.
Our heroes and sources of inspiration including, but not limited to; Invictalux, Tim Berners-Lee, Timothy C. May, Danni Ashe, 'Satoshi Nakamoto', Wilhelm Reich, Vitalik Buterin, Ross Ulbricht, Kevin McCoy and Anil Dash, Crass Kitty, Ameen Soleimani, Jessica va Meir, Chaturbate, Mintstars, and Clipto.io
- The Zola framework and Marco Tomic for the framework and template/theme used for the whispr.dev website
- Tim Evans for our banner picture
- GotGirl Ethics page photo by Christian Lue
- Elise's Ethics page photo by Whale
- Ethics Conversation page photo by yosoybrod
- whispr.dev Ethics page photo by Kyle J. Glenn
- Ollie's profile photo, Salvadore the anteater, by tiggertwig
- Elise's profile photo, one of her beloved pets, by Elise